Thursday, October 29, 2009

DIY Pillow Case

Okay, I wanted to share this project AFTER I got done doing it myself, but we all know THAT'S not going to happen. 

This requires minimal sewing, if you hand-stitch you are furthur along than I, and so easy!  Pssshh... easy for you.  I recommend going to your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, Second Hand Thrift store... whatever hand me down store you have and find a sweater versus actually ripping up a sweater just to make a silly little pillow. 

I mean... unless you just don't care about your sweaters... I personally love my sweaters.  I live in Texas and I keep mine for YEARS, so giving up a sweater for this project just makes me think I'm losing a VERY valuable item when it comes to winter.

Tutorial courtesy of mymamamadeit!

Smile!  It's Thursday!  Almost Friday (;


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DIY Tank Top Purse

Would you believe me if I told you these were made out of tank tops???

They are!

This fantastic tutorial shows you super simple steps (if you have a sewing a machine, which I do not) on how to make them!

Best part? It's free! (;

Who would have thought those old tank tops could be so useful?

On another note, I have been a busy bee creating baby crochet headbands, studying for my graduate Marketing Management class, and trying to successfully market my products that I haven't had time to blog. Isn't that sad? I have made it a goal to at least blog AT LEAST 3 times weekly... yes... 3... times...

Until next time!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Recycled Magazine Jewelry

I... LOVE IT. I was ever so sneakily browsing around the web at the office and couldn't resist posting this really cool, but simple, How-To for you guys. Again, I'm thinking I create something pretty awesome for the hair, but this is definitely a way to design exotic jewelry and be green!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fear of Returning Merchandise?

There should seriously be a word called returnaphobia. I just went throgh my credit card statement and added up everything that I need to return in order to see what I REALLY owe... I have about $220 tied up in merchandise that needs to be returned (Michael's, Dillard's, Wal-Mart...) and I'm too petrified to do it. So I googled it...

Turns out I just have a social disorder. Go figure.

Thanks Google!

Yeah, this is about the way I feel when I have to do it.

Papier-Mâché Floral Brooches

Okay, okay so I've decided to quit hoarding all of my craft How-To's and share the wealth since I can't ever seem to get to them. I don't understand how I will walk into a craft store with a list that I've carefully developed to get in and out, and yet I come out with everything but what was on the list.

These Papier-Mâché Floral Brooches (and yes I'm copying and pasting those fancy letters) are too cute and HOT HOT in the trendy fashion world! The picture shows that you can wear them on a jacket, but here is my take on it.... hair pins.

This awesome tutorial is a step-by-step on how to make 'em and it is so easy!

Thanks goodess for!

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Little Cutie Pie

Oh my goodess it has been forever since I've updated and I apologize to my lonely 2 followers. Between having surgery and getting my tutus made I lost track of my blog!


I have been creating tutus for the halloween season for little kiddos! Adults too! Take a look at my creations:

If you're interested in purchasing one please visit and even if you don't want to, check it anyways and let me know what you think!
