Thursday, October 29, 2009

DIY Pillow Case

Okay, I wanted to share this project AFTER I got done doing it myself, but we all know THAT'S not going to happen. 

This requires minimal sewing, if you hand-stitch you are furthur along than I, and so easy!  Pssshh... easy for you.  I recommend going to your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, Second Hand Thrift store... whatever hand me down store you have and find a sweater versus actually ripping up a sweater just to make a silly little pillow. 

I mean... unless you just don't care about your sweaters... I personally love my sweaters.  I live in Texas and I keep mine for YEARS, so giving up a sweater for this project just makes me think I'm losing a VERY valuable item when it comes to winter.

Tutorial courtesy of mymamamadeit!

Smile!  It's Thursday!  Almost Friday (;
